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Lisa Uebelacker, Ph.D.


Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior (Research)

Williams College, B.A.
Yale University, Ph.D.
Clinical Internship - Brown University



Brown University Research Website

Research Interests

My research interests include: 1) development and evaluation of programs to integrate behavioral health into primary care settings; and 2) hatha yoga, exercise, and healthy lifestyle interventions as ways to manage depression

Selected Publications

Uebelacker, L. A., Strong, D., Weinstock, L., & Miller, I. W. (2010).  Likelihood suicidality at varying levels of depression severity: A re-analysis of NESARC data. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 40, 620-627.

Uebelacker, L. A., Tremont, G., Epstein-Lubow, G., Gaudiano, B., Kalibatseva, Z., & Miller, I. W. (2010). Open trial of Vinyasa yoga for persistently depressed individuals: evidence of feasibility and acceptability. Behavior Modification, 34, 247-264.

Uebelacker, L. A., Epstein-Lubow, G., Gaudiano, B., Tremont, G., Battle, C. L., & Miller, I. W. (2010). Hatha yoga for depression: critical review of the evidence for efficacy, plausible mechanisms of action, and directions for future research. Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 16, 22-33.

Uebelacker, L. A., Weisberg, R. B., Strong, D., Smith, M., & Miller, I. W. (2009). Time invariant and time-varying predictors of depression symptoms in primary care patients. Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 11, 322-329.

Uebelacker, L.A., Strong, D., Weinstock, L., & Miller, I. W.  (2009). Use of item response theory to understand differential functioning of DSM-IV major depression symptoms by race, ethnicity, and gender. Psychological Medicine, 39, 591-601.

Uebelacker, L. A., Weisberg, R., Haggarty, R., & Miller, I.W. (2009). Adapted behavior therapy for persistently depressed primary care patients: an open trial. Behavior Modification, 33, 374-395

Battle, C. L., Uebelacker, L. A., Howard, M., & Castaneda, M. (in press). Prenatal yoga and depression during pregnancy. Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care.

Uebelacker, L. A., German, N. M., Gaudiano, B., & Miller, I. W. (in press). Concordance Between Self-Report and Clinical Interview Ratings of Suicidality in a Primary Care Setting. The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders.

Uebelacker, L. A., Marootian, B. A., Pirraglia, P., Primack, J. M., Tigue, P., Haggarty, R., Velazquez, L., Bowdoin, J. J., Kalibatseva, Z. & Miller, I. W. (in press). Barriers and Facilitators of Treatment for Depression in a Latino Community: A Focus Group Study. Community Mental Health Journal.